Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Denver Moth Trap 17/7/06

Grey Dagger - 1
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 8
Scarce Footman - 15
Lesser Broad - Bordered Yellow Underwing - 13
Triple - Spotted Clay - 4
Dun Bar - 6
Striped Twin - Spot Carpet - 1
Common Footman - 14
Least Yellow Underwing - 4
Flame Shoulder - 7
Marbled Minor - 3
Cloaked Minor - 3
Clouded Silver - 1
Small Fan - Footed Wave - 3
Riband Wave - 10
Uncertain - 54
White Satin - 3
Clouded Border - 2
Bordered Pug - 1
Larch Pug - 1
Rosy Footman - 1
Four - Dotted Footman - 1
Burnished Brass - 2
Broad - Bordered Yellow Underwing - 10
Mottled Rustic - 3
Common Carpet - 1
Buff Ermine - 1
Dingy Footman - 2
Pale Prominent - 4
Shuttle - Shaped Dart - 8
Common Rustic - 21
Single - Dotted Wave - 5
Rustic - 11
Rufous Minor - 2
Common Wainscot - 1
Heart and Dart - 1
Nutmeg - 3
The Flame - 2
Light Arches - 2
Large Yellow Underwing - 9
Lesser Common Rustic - 2
Double - Square - Spot - 8
Large Twin - Spot Carpet - 2
V - Pug - 2
Dark Arches - 18
Silver Y - 5
Early Thorn - 1
Lesser Yellow Underwing - 5
Spectacle - 3
Tawny Marbled Minor - 1
Striped Wainscot - 1
Olive - 4
Mottled Beauty - 1
Double Striped Pug - 4
Snout - 1
Cream Wave - 1
Scalloped Oak - 2
Elephant Hawkmoth - 1
Pebble Prominent - 1
Dot Moth - 4
Cabbage Moth - 1
Clay - 1
Smoky Wainscot - 2
Angle Barred Pug - 1
Poplar Hawkmoth - 1
Small Angle Shades - 1
Square - Spot Rustic - 3
Double Lobed - 1
Bloodvein - 1
Small Bloodvein - 1
Hoary Footman - 1 *If this identification is correct, it would be a county first!
Cloaked Pug - 1
Dark - Barred Twin - Spot Carpet - 1
Juniper Pug - 1
Brimstone Moth - 2

A truly amazing trap bringing in more than 300 moths and over 70 species. We spent 3 hours identifying and releasing them all!

Denver Moth Trap 16/7/06

Riband Wave - 3
Black Arches - 1
Uncertain - 9
Dark Arches - 5
Rustic - 4
Dot Moth - 2
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 2
Common Rustic - 4
Large Yellow Underwing - 1
Double Square - Spot - 2
Common Footman - 2
Clouded Border - 1
Spectacle - 1
The Flame - 1
Snout - 1
Willow Beauty - 1
Lesser Common Rustic - 1
Mottled Rustic - 2
Heart and Dart - 1
Dingy Footman - 1
Square Spot Rustic - 1
Cloaked Minor - 1
Nutmeg - 2

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Denver Moth Trap 14/7/06

Common Footman - 3
Common Rustic - 2
Dot Moth - 2
Rustic - 3
Mottled Beauty - 1
Clouded Border - 2
Buff Arches - 1
Poplar Hawkmoth - 1
Uncertain - 9
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 1
Lesser Common Rustic - 2
Small Fan - Footed Wave - 1
Smoky Wainscot - 1
Buff Ermine - 1
Mottled Rustic - 1
Heart and Dart - 1
Satin Wave - 1
Lesser Cream Wave - 1
Straw Dot - 1

Denver Moth Trap 10/7/06

Willow Beauty - 1
Privet Hawkmoth - 1
Common Footman - 4
Dingy Footman - 2
Least Carpet - 1
Poplar Grey - 1
Rustic - 2
Dot Moth - 2
Spectacle - 1
Dark Arches - 5
Single - Dotted Wave - 6
Uncertain - 6
Small Fan - Footed Wave - 2
Swallowtaailed Moth - 2
Riband Wave - 8
Snout - 2
Heart and Dart - 1
Silver Y - 2
Mottled Rustic - 1
Buff Arches - 2
Buff Ermine - 1
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 2
Cloaked Minor - 1
Green Pug - 1
Cabbage Moth - 1

Denver Moth Trap 9/7/06

Dark Arches - 12
Buff Arches - 2
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 4
Dingy Footman - 1
Small Fan - Footed Wave - 1
Common Footman - 5
Riband Wave - 2
Treble Brown Spot - 2
Snout - 2
Clouded Silver - 1
Uncertain - 4
Mottled Rustic - 1
Willow Beauty - 1
Mottled Beauty - 1
Heart and Dart - 2
Large Yellow Underwing - 2
Dwarf Cream Wave - 1
Flame Shoulder - 1
Rustic - 3
Scalloped Oak - 1
Light Arches - 2
Dot Moth - 1
Double Square Spot - 1
Heart and Club - 1
Large Twin - Spot Carpet - 1
Cloaked Minor - 2
Common Rustic - 1

Denver Moth Trap 2/7/06

Willow Beauty - 4
Pale Prominent - 1
Common Footman - 4
Riband Wave - 2
Marbled Minor - 4
Double - Striped Pug - 1
Rufous Minor - 1
Treble Brown Spot - 1
Buff Arches - 1
Poplar Hawkmoth - 2
Large Yellow Underwing - 2
Small Angle Shades - 1
Elephant Hawkmoth - 1
Buff Ermine - 3
Bright - Line Brown - Eye - 2
Mottled Beauty - 3
Common Marbled Carpet - 1
Large Twin - Spot Carpet - 3
Heart and Dart - 4
Dark Arches - 1
Burnished Brass - 2
Flame Shoulder - 6
The Flame - 2
Dwarf Cream Wave - 1
Garden Carpet - 1
Swallow - Tailed Moth - 1
Snout - 2
Privet Hawkmoth - 1
Dot Moth - 1
Green Pug - 1
Barred Straw - 1
Uncertain - 2
Double Square Spot - 2
Setaceous Hebrew Character - 1
Common Wainscot - 1
Small Dusty Wave - 1
Silver Y - 1

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Moth trap 01/07/2006 - Denver

Dot moth (5)
Heart and club (13)
Common footman (6)
Large twin-spot carpet (1)
Clouded silver (1)
Tawny marbled minor (2)
Light arches (4)
Swallow-tailed moth (1)
Clouded border (2)
Spectacle (2)
Heart and dart (9)
Double-striped pug (1)
Small elephant hawkmoth (1)
Brimstone (2)
Burnished brass (2)
Dark arches (12)
Common wainscot (2)
Brown rustic (1)
Uncertain (4)
Double square spot (1)
Galium carpet (1)
The flame (5)
Buff ermine (3)
Green pug (1)
Large yellow underwing (3)
Rustic (5)
Buff arches (1)
Bright-line brown-eye (2)
Figure of eighty (1)
Small fan-footed wave (1)
Single dotted wave (3)
Snout (1)
Mottled rustic (2)
Lilac beauty (1)
Flame shoulder (1)
Riband wave (3)

A huge trap reeling in many new species, but unfortunately the moths were very active so several were lost (including a possible second lilac beauty!!*#!*!), so there was no oportunity to photograph the moths.

(James) From top: Buff tip looking just like the end of a stick!, another Privet hawkmoth showing off its colours, woah - the big pink! Elephant hawkmoth (its name is derived from the end of its abdomen which looks like an elephant's trunk), Buff arches.

Moth trap 29/06/2006 - Denver

Elephant hawkmoth (1) (see picture above)
Riband wave (3)
Burnished brass (3)
Dwarf cream wave (2)
Buff ermine (3)
Mottled beauty (1)
The flame (6)
Grey pug (1)
Common footman (2)
Scarce footman (1)
Heart and club (9)
Green pug (1)
Golden rod pug (1)
Common wainscot (1)
Buff arches (2) (see picture above)
Spectacle (3)
Bright-line brown-eye (2)
Snout (2)
Uncertain (1)
Dark arches (8)
Mottled rustic (3)
Rustic (10)
Heart and dart (9)
Light arches (2)
Single dotted wave (3)
Privet hawkmoth (1) (see picture above)
Setaceous hebrew character (1)
Willow beauty (1)
Brimstone (1)
Buff tip (1) (see picture above)
Broad barred white (1)
Clouded border (1)
Double square spot (1)

This was an excellent trap, with the bonus of high counts for many of the species.